QxTransformer is a flexible library for qooxdoo JavaScript-based GUI toolkit offerring xml transformation to javascript. Allows creating GUI of your web 2.0 application on XML. QxTransformer is based on XSLT and can be used for any web platform.Meant for
- web developers who want to use qooxdoo library but wouldn't like write a lot of JavaScript code
- developers are interested in XUL
- developers are interested in creation of visual GUI builder for qooxdoo
Main advantages
- XML based description of UI
- independence of qooxdoo version API
- independence of programming language
- flexible template mapping system for widgets and attributes (you can add your own widgets and attributes)
- integration into qooxdoo build process (in future)
Project state
Now project supports 0.5 branch of qooxdoo but today is out-of-date version. We are starting development under 0.7 version of qooxdoo library because in 0.6 line was done a lot of changes such as packages and other which don't allow reuse all existing code.If you are interested in QxTransformer you can join our team. Your work would be significant for all web developers. See page Contacts to communicate with us.
Thanks a lot!